Mejores Fábulas en Inglés

Las fábulas constituyen un medio, que se ha venido usando a través de los años, para poder inculcar enseñanzas valiosas. Las personas suelen leerlas o verlas en videos, a fin de captar las diferentes lecciones que pretenden mostrar. Por ello, el hecho de que estén disponibles en diferentes idiomas, como el inglés, resulta aún más útil.

fábulas en inglés

Fábulas en inglés cortas

Las fábulas en inglés cortas no solamente ayudan a la gente a recibir lecciones importantes mediante moralejas. También les permiten poder animarse a aprender y entender el idioma inglés, algo que les beneficiará en gran manera. Estos relatos breves hacen posible que la gente distraída no desvié la atención de la lectura o se pierda sus lecciones.

The Flutist Donkey

“Once there was a donkey happily walking down the meadow, until suddenly, he found a little wood flute. At first, he didn’t knew what it was o what it was for, but then he remembered seen it in another town.

Getting close to the instrument, he took it, then he smelled it, and after given it a little puff, there was a very pleasant sound.

The Donkey was amazed by his great discovery, so he decided top lay it and become a great musician. While he continued his way, the happy donkey blew the flute again and again, believing himself a fantastic musician.

In his wild and extravagant imagination, the Donkey was very sure of his talent, telling himself again and again: “I’m such a great musician! I definitely have the gift to make wonderful music with this flute! Undoubtedly, I make quality music”.”

Moraleja: Hay personas que pueden llegar a tener suerte en ciertos campos. Esto no las debe hacer pensar que todo lo que logran se debe a su experiencia.

The sorceress

“Once, in a shire, there was a very skinny sorceress that had learned the craft from her mother, who had learned it from the Grandmother.

Thanks to this, she made a lot of movie tricking a lot of innocent people, saying to them: “Ladies and gentleman, I have the power to drive out the bad luck from a person and it’s home. I will save you, at a very reasonable price”.

With the passage of time, she was accused of Witchcraft, and a Court sentenced her to death.

The sorceress begged to the Judge to have mercy on her, but he told her: “You said you could drive out the wrath of the gods. If that’s true, then why didn’t you drive out the wrath of the Judges for your sake?”. The sorceress replied: “The thing is that Judges are not fools, my Lord”.”

Moraleja: Cuando la gente es inteligente, no puede ser engañada fácilmente con el uso de trucos. No se debe subestimar a otros pensando que son menos astutos.

The two frogs         

“During an intense and hot summer day, the fields were bright yellow, the puddles were dry, and the swamps were full of dry leaves with just a bit of wáter. That day, there were two frogs walking in search of wáter, since they were really thirsty and tired.

After walking for a long time, they arrived to the shore of a deep well, and sitting on the edge, they started to discuss if they should jump in it, or not.

One of the frogs reasonably argued that, since the well was overflowing with water, the bottom of the well would be a nice place for them to live peacefully. However the other frog, wiser than its partner, after thinking long and hard about it, said: “That’s all very good, my friend. I have no problema about jumping in. However, if the wáter dries, how would we get out of that well?”.”

Moraleja: A la hora de tomar decisiones importantes, se tiene que pensar muy bien cómo actuar. Meditar en lo que se va a hacer, contribuye a no tener arrepentimientos posteriores.

Fábulas en inglés con moraleja

Mediante las fábulas venezolanas o en inglés, se pueden impartir valores prácticos que podrán servirles tanto a adultos como a niños. Además, contribuyen a desarrollar aspectos muy importantes como la lectura y la reflexión, de forma divertida y entretenida. Por ello todas las fábulas con moraleja son tan buenas.

The lion and the Donkey

“The Lion and the Donkey arrived to an agreement to go hunting together. While the lion was in charge of collecting some preys thanks to his strength and speed, the donkey will use the power of his kicks to get the others. This way, bonded by the same objective, they’ll get better results than ever.

So they worked together, and the first day they shared the task with great success. At the agreed hour, the lion and the donkey met to do the recount of the pieces, and the former made three piles with all of them.

“The first pile belongs to me, as King. And the second pile also belongs to me, since I’m your partner”, said the lion. That distribution didn’t seem fair to the donkey, but he approached the third pile to take his share, when he heard the lion spoke to him with anger:

“What are you doing?”

“I’m taking my share”, the donkey replied.

“Your share? What share? The first and the second pile are mine for the reasons I’ve given you. And the third one is also mine, because if you refuse you’ll end up becoming one of the preys in the pile”.”

Moraleja: Los individuos deben cuidarse de que los deseos de obtener más los lleven a asociarse con personas poderosas. Los riesgos implicados pudieran llevarlos a perderlo todo.

The curious puppy

“Once upon a time, there was a puppy who was very curious and was always interested about the things concerning his Master. One day, the puppy heard some noises coming from the kitchen, and in order to know what was happening, he sneaked into the house.

Immediately, he found a group of mice having a great feast with his Master’s food. Before attacking he said to himself: “What a bunch of thieves! They’ll get what is coming for them!”.

And without further ado, the puppy jumped on the group of mice, but he didn’t realize that very close from there, there was a mousetrap.

He stumbled with the mousetrap, and one of his paws was trapped, and the Puppy gave strong howls of pain.

A parrot that was nearby screamed: “Well, well, see the Hunter hunted”. The Puppy, agonizing by the pain caused by the trap, begged: “Please help me! Take this thing off me, I promise I won’t bother anyone!” The good mice heard his plead, got closer to the Puppy and immediately set him free.

Then, one of them told him: You see Puppy? This is what happens to you for believing you’re a cat”.”

Moraleja: Realizar cosas para las cuales no se está preparado fácilmente conduce al fracaso. Es bueno que cada quien conozca sus limitaciones y las admita.

The bull and the goat friends

“There was a bull living on a meadow, who was friend with three little goats that used to come down from the hill every morning to pasture.

But a certain day, while the bull and the goats were playing and having fun, a dog walked by and saw them together, finding strange to see animals of such different condition living together in harmony. The dog approached the bull and told him:

“My friend bull, what is a strong and sturdy like you doing in the company of three ugly and skinny goats? Don’t you realize that those who see you will take take you for a weak animal?”.

The bull was meditative about those words, and fearful of the gossips, he went drifting apart from the goats. But one day he saw himself abandoned and alone, and he remenbered his friends the goats, thinking to himself:

“Why did I had to listen to a flea-ridden dog I didn’t even knew? I was living happily playing with the goats on the meadow, and now I’m all alone because of my own bad decisions”.

So the bull went out searching for the goats to ask for their forgiveness, and when he found them, the swore them eternal friendship.

Moraleja: A fin de que puedan conseguir amistades, las personas deben alejar de su corazón la envidia. Brindar consejos sintiendo envidia, perjudica o termina las amistades propias y de otros.

Aprendizaje y conclusiones

Más de una lección se puede extraer de las fábulas en inglés para mejorar la calidad como persona. Entre los aprendizajes brindados por las fábulas españolas está la modestia, la perspicacia, la inteligencia, la meditación y la humildad.